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Posts Tagged ‘time’

  1. Week of Life #18: May 29th to June 4th – A trip to the Pediatrician

    June 4, 2012 by brooke

    18 Weeks old

    Haley’s still working hard at getting to her toes (only while she’s sitting though- she hasn’t figured out the lying down toe-touch yet!). In fact, we’ve been showing her that her toes can reach her mouth when she’s lying down and she just laughs when we do that!! It’s pretty cute 🙂 Haley is enjoying her exersaucer (we had to put my old Physiology book (really large!) under so that she can touch with her feet, but she’s having fun spinning the toys on it. She still loves to be outside & she likes her bumbo and helps me with dishes and meal making everyday. She’s doing better with tummy time – she still doesn’t like to do it more than a few minutes at a time, but she will actually smile a little at first and look around before getting upset.

    Tuesday was Haley’s 4 month pediatrician appointment. We talked about her flat head, turning to the left and right, and tummy time… basically the pediatrician said that babies skull bones continue growing and shaping until around a year and a half – so not to worry about her flat head. As she spends less and less time on her back, like when she starts turning over to her tummy in the middle of the night, her head will continue to reshape itself. She also said at 4 months she wouldn’t expect Haley to enjoy spending more than about 5 minutes on her tummy – so that means she’s doing just what we would expect. As for her head turning issues, she said to continue doing what we’re doing (we’re already seeing results). The Dr. said she is doing great and right on track. She did really well with her shots (she had 3 of them & 1 oral immunization). She definitely cried when she was stuck, but Sean picked her up right after and she quited right down with some comforting from Daddy. The rest of the day she was pretty much her usual self. I gave her some tylenol later that evening because she was a little warm and probably in a little pain too. Other than that, nothing out of the ordinary.

    Thursday my mom came down because I was due to work again on Friday. Dawn came over for dinner and we had a nice evening with the 5 of us 🙂 Friday I went to work as usual and then got sent home around 1:30 due to low census (it had been raining badly all day and no one wanted to drive around in the rain I think). So I came home early and that meant my mom got to leave early before the traffic started. It also meant I could pack the car and be ready to leave for Tallahassee when Sean came home from work. We had a good car ride – Haley slept the whole way mostly – and we made it to town around 11:15pm.

    Saturday we hung around the house for a bit and then Sean & his dad went to a charity event: Pints for Paws. The home brewers association in Tallahassee has an annual fundraiser where they all brew their own beer and then tickets are sold so people can try the beer out. Sean & his dad worked the entire 4 hours in order to get all their beer ‘sold’. They had a lot of fun and I think the fundraiser was a big success. Haley and I stayed at the house with GG & Sean’s cousin, Bailey, and we had a girls night. We ate out at the University Center Club and after Haley went to sleep, we played Parcheesi. It was a fun night for us too!

    Sunday I got to sleep in! Well, kind of 🙂 We had an unexpected ‘alarm clock’ wake us at 5:30, but after a diaper change and a bottle, we were all off to dreamland again. And after that, I got to sleep in late! It was really nice (haven’t done that in a long time!). We then went to Uptown Cafe and had a yummy breakfast, then back home to pack and leave. We stopped at my parent’s riverhouse for dinner and a short visit (and to give my mom her kindle back – she left it here by mistake on Friday!). It was nice to see them and it was good that my dad got to see Haley and not be sick (like the last few times). We made it back home safe and put Haley straight to bed 🙂 She was great all weekend, like always! We had a good little traveler, so far!

    This coming week is our 3rd wedding anniversary! I can’t wait to celebrate with my hubby 🙂

    Oh, also starting with this post I’m doing Haley’s months by the date of the 30th instead of how many weeks she is.  It’s just too confusing the other way!  She was 12 weeks/3 months one day, but the 30th wasn’t for another 1.5 weeks – so I wasn’t really sure what to tell people for how old she was… so now I’m just going by the actual date 🙂


    Haley’s weight: 13lbs. + 4oz. (53rd percentile)

    Haley’s length: 24.5in. (79th percentile)

    Haley’s head circumference: 15.75in (50th percentile)

    # of pictures taken this week: 88

    # of pictures taken on my phone this week: 18

    # of videos taken this week: 5



    4 Months old

    It's tough work drinking from a bottle

    I like my jumpy 🙂 Thanks PPEC friends!

    I was so sleepy, I just fell asleep in my bumbo while helping mommy in the kitchen

    asleep in my car seat - leaning forward!

    Gammy & me

    Ready to take the wheel & help with the driving

    Me & GG

    Me & Cousin Bailey

    Pints for Paws (& Opa!)

    Happy to be with Granddad