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Posts Tagged ‘springs’

  1. February 2013 – Month of Life #13 for Haley

    February 28, 2013 by brooke

    13 Months old

    13 Months old

    Gosh, I can’t believe I’m into months now instead of weeks. I’ve got a toddler, not a baby anymore πŸ™ So much has happened this past month I should probably break this post down into at least 2, but I don’t think I’m going to! Hopefully next month I’ll be back on schedule and can post at least every 2 weeks. I’m not making any promises though πŸ˜‰

    First and foremost, on Saturday the 2nd we had Haley 1st Birthday Party! What an event! We ended up inviting about 50 people, but luckily we only had around 30 that came. However, that’s not to say that we wouldn’t have loved it if everyone could have made it! Because we would have, it just would have been a little more hectic. Anyway, we had Haley’s party at Wall Springs Park in Palm Harbor. It was a girly safari theme πŸ™‚ I put a lot of work into planning and preparing for the party and I really think it showed and paid off. Haley had fun, Sean & I had fun, and think everyone else had fun too!

    Then on Monday the 4th we had Haley’s 12 month pediatrician appointment. It went great, as usual. She got 3 shots and one oral vaccine. She didn’t have any reactions this time (she never has yet, actually), although one of her legs was pretty sore and red at the injection site for a few days. We are now officially on MILK!! YAY!!! I’ve so been waiting for this. Only because formula is so darn expensive. So, now we just have to use what formula we have left and that will be it! My plan is to slowly, each day increase the amount of milk in her bottles and decrease the amount of formula. I’m hoping that by doing it that way I won’t ever have to heat up her milk to get her to drink it – we’ll see how that goes! We’re also supposed to be getting her off the bottles, but she only gets 3-4 in a 24 hour period right now and we (Sean & I) just aren’t ready to give up that cuddle time yet. When we are more ready (because, let’s just be honest, we’ll never be totally ready) then we’ll deal with it then. We go back in another 3 months. One of our main questions for the doctor was this – Haley drinks her formula out of a bottle no problem, but put it in a cup and she won’t touch it. However, she loves to drink water out of a cup. What if this happens with milk? The dr said Haley doesn’t actually need to drink milk! As long as she’s getting the calcium, Vit. D and protein she would get from milk from an other source (like cheese, yogurt…), then she’s fine. Huh. Guess that’s good to know.

    On Wednesday the 13th, Haley and I went to Mass for Ash Wednesday. It was my first time taking her to church by myself and it was close to nap time too. It went pretty well. She was really good – just got a little tired of sitting on my lap in the middle of it all, so we walked around a bit. They didn’t have a ‘cry’ room at this church, so I think we may try a different place next time. Also we’re not real fond of the priest. Anyway, Haley got a blessing and got ashes too! It was a good experience for her and for me too.

    On the 21st, Sean & I went out to celebrate Valentine’s Day. We never go out on the 14th – too many people and prices are too inflated! So, my mom was in town to watch Haley the next day while we were at work on the 21st and we took that opportunity to have a date night. We went to Bone Fish and it was delicious! Thanks Mom for the babysiting!

    Friday I was supposed to work all day, but ended up getting sent home after only 2 hours – so I got to spend the day with my mom and daughter! It was sucky that I was missing out on the hours at work, but I was so happy to spend some time with the two of them πŸ™‚ I rarely spend any quality time with my mom so it was nice.

    On the 28th we met our neighbors at the park for some playground fun. Haley and I fed the ducks and fish and then we went to the playground. Haley mostly just watches the other kids playing, but I can just see her little brain going a mile a minute! She did play a little and she got to swing too, so that was fun for her. Later that evening we met my uncle, aunt, and cousin for dinner. That was really great because we don’t see them very often even though they live pretty close by. We’re trying to make an effort to see our relatives that live close more ofter – we should, they’re so close! Haley was a good girl and we all had nice time catching up.

    Ok, on to the fun things Haley has started doing this month πŸ™‚ At the beginning of the month, she started to really dance! She was dancing before, but now she really gets into it anytime she hears music. She also started doing some of the motions for ‘The Wheels on the Bus’! Round & round, open & shut, and up & down πŸ™‚ The week of the 10th was a big one for new things: Haley started to really get into peek-a-boo (she’s been able to do it for a while now, but now she gets a big kick out of it and she will initiate it as well); after I watered the plants on the porch one day, she stooped down, picked up the watering can, and went back along to all the plants and ‘watered’ them all again! So cute πŸ™‚ If you ask her, β€œwhere is ___?” or β€œwhat happened to____?” She’ll look around a little confused and raise her arms up, as if to say, β€œI don’t know!” This week she also started doing the ‘stinky face’ face. If I say stinky, she pinches her nose shut! We have a book that’s called ‘I love you stinky face’ and she asked me to read it to her one day by making that ‘sign’! She’s so smart πŸ™‚

    The next week I started being able to see her #5 & 6 top teeth coming in. She’s still just got the 2 on the bottom! She started hiding behind corners and poking her head out in a peek-a-boo game! That one is really cute.

    The last week of February she stacked 3 blocks all by herself without any prompting from me. I was pretty impressed with that one! She also started walking backwards – she does it randomly, just for fun. And I taught her how to drink out of a camel-back! That one’s pretty handy since we’ve been riding the bike often. Oh, and we are definitely on whole milk only now! Whoo-hoo!! She also will drink it straight out of the fridge which is awesome!

    At the end of this week, she knew 8 signs. We’re constantly working on more though! Haley can sign:


    All done





    help (that is an awesome one, by the way!)




    Well, I think that’s it! That’s enough anyway! More next time…


    Haley’s weight at her 12 month appointment: 20 lbs 4 oz (37%)

    Haley’s height at her 12 month appointment: 31 cm (95%)

    # of pictures taken this month:Β  278

    # of videos taken this month:Β  25