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Posts Tagged ‘time’

  1. Week of Life #17: May 22nd – May 28th… Happy Memorial Day!

    May 28, 2012 by brooke


    17 Weeks old

    This week was a little bit more exciting than last, but still not much happening during the week. This week Haley had started to suck on her thumbs (and just her thumbs) much more – but she still does the fingers at times too. Yay! Not sure why this makes us so happy, but it does 🙂 She still isn’t using it to soothe herself, but hopefully she’ll figure that one out soon. She’s still drooling a lot!! So much drool… and she’s putting whatever she can manage to hold onto into her mouth. I weighed her at my workplace and according to that scale she is 13# (but that scale can be wonky, so we’ll see for real at her appointment next week). She’s been doing great looking to both the right and left, although she still prefers the right. And we’ve been trying real hard not to put her on her back much during the day (due to her flat head). She’s been rolling over onto her side again, but just the right side! And she’s been doing much better with tummy time, although she still only likes to do it for a few minutes at a time. But I’ll take whatever progress we can get on that issue! At the end of the week, Haley started doing the ‘razz’ sound and it is super cute (of course when she’s blowing spit on us and everyone else all the time, we might not think it’s so cute!). She also has found her feet and toes. You can just tell that she wants to put them in her mouth, but she hasn’t figured it out yet. She’s getting a lot more vocal too and that’s fun 🙂 Her current schedule during the day is awake about 2 hours and then sleep for 30 minutes. At night she goes to bed about 8 pm, gets up once (usually around 3 or 4) and then awake for the day around 7 am. On Friday we tried an experiment and Sean woke her up around 10:30 or 11:00 pm, changed her and fed her and then put her back to bed – she slept until 7am! We tried it again on Saturday night and it worked again… so I think we’ll be doing that for a while so that I can get more uninterrupted sleep. I’m so grateful for my loving, wonderful, and helpful baby-daddy.

    I did it – I cut Haley’s thumb while cutting her finger nails on Tuesday. Ohh- I was so sad! She cried only a little, but I just felt so bad. I’ve been cutting babies nails at the daycare for years (only cut someone 2x) and I’ve been doing hers now for 16 weeks without getting her… it was only a matter of time I guess. I did buy a new nail clipper for her after that – the old one wasn’t coming together like it should (that’s probably why I cut her – at least that’s what I tell myself).

    Friday night I had a girls night with two great friends. We had our nails done at Happy Nails in Palm Harbor and then went to the House of Beer for a couple of drinks. We had a lot of fun and it was great to catch up and to have some ‘no baby’ time. Haley was having an off night (poor Daddy) and when we came home I found the 2 of them on the couch – Sean watching TV and Haley passed out! It was really cute. Saturday and Sunday morning Sean got up with Haley so that I could sleep in a little – very nice! Haven’t done that in a while.

    Saturday we ran a few errands and Haley was great. We took her to the food court at the mall and it was a little overwhelming I think, but she did fine – she just started and took it all in.

    Sunday we decided to try out the beach! We bought a canopy on Saturday and so we wanted to try it out. There were soo many people at Clearwater Beach!! I guess we shouldn’t be surprised. It was a beautiful day – sunny and breezy and just perfect. Under the canopy it was really nice. Haley did really great at the beach, although she didn’t really care for the water. We just put her feet in – she did okay at first and then decided she didn’t like it. It might have been because she had a cut on her little toe though…

    Monday we did stuff around the house. I also started working on meal planning – something that I want to do so that I’m more organized not only for meal prep, but for shopping too. We’ll see how that goes.

    More next week, plus a visit to the pediatrician!

    # of pictures taken this week: 147

    # of videos taken this week:  13

    # of full days with Daddy: 3!

    # of fun mini trips this week: 2



    First toe dip in the pool - taken May 5th 🙂

    Sleepy baby

    Intently listening to Daddy play the guitar

    lounging on the couch with Daddy

    'Reading' the in the morning

    Have you read this?!

    So pretty!

    It's rough being a baby

    What I came home to after girl's nite!


    So mad at nap time, she kicked her socks off!

    My new shirt - I love my grandpas!!

    Our new canopy for the beach

    Beach time!

    First time in the Gulf!!

    Not enjoying it so much anymore...

    Our first family beach day

    Nap time!

    Bathing beauties