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Posts Tagged ‘nana’

  1. Month of Life # 18 for Haley: July 2013 – Happy 4th of July!

    July 31, 2013 by brooke

    18 months old

    18 months old – I got the blocks wrong!

    We had another fun and full month. But, boy has it been hot out!! We’ve definitely been trying to get outside in the morning and then stay in after nap time – it’s just too hot out in the afternoon. We had both sets of grandparents here at different times for July 4th. We went to the beach and a couple parks with GG and Opa.  And we went to the Aquarium and a park with Gammy and Grandad.  We had lots of fun with everyone!

    The next weekend we took a very short overnight trip to Ft. Myers to visit with my grandmother (Haley’s Great-Nana) and my aunt, uncle, and cousins. Haley got to show off her swimming skills and play with her FM family 🙂 That was really great since we don’t see any of them very often.

    We had lunch one weekend with my uncle and cousin in Tampa. It was fun to see Ryan because he just started college at UF (we try not to hold it against him that he’s a gator…). Haley got to show off her swimming skills again! She just loves to swim 🙂

    We also tried out our Glazer Children’s Museum membership. We loved it! It is a really awesome place to take kids. I thought Haley might be a little young, but she really liked it. It is a little far to drive, but pretty much all the cool things are around here so we’re pretty used to it. We will definitely be going back there a lot in the next year!

    We went to Sunset Beach one day. And it was just perfect for Haley. The playground was nice and not very crowded. The beach was kinda muddy, but the water was super shallow and perfect for Haley to play in – and she loved it. So, that was a fun day!

    We continued swim classes this month and will be doing them again next month too. Haley is doing super and progressing right along. We’re so proud of her. And even better, she likes swimming!

    Haley turned 18 months this month! I can’t believe it’s been a year and a half already. She is such a big girl. I counted her signs the other day and she knew 52 at 17.5 months!! She is so amazing! And it’s so much fun being able to talk with her about things that she wants to talk about. She’s also talking a lot too. She know between 15-20 words and learns new ones everyday. She knows 9 animals sounds which is so cute 🙂 Especially when she pairs it with the signs. She is loving dancing right now too! And she is into coloring and really into her dolls and stuffed animals. She loves to play mommy and is always telling me that one or another of them is hungry and she needs to feed it, or stinky and it needs a diaper change, or needs milk… It is so adorable! I love it!

    Here are her signs:

    eat, more, water, cheese, fruit, cracker, banana, milk, please, thank you, help, phone, train, bunny, dog, cat, mouse, lion, monkey, bird, duck, pig, chicken, alligator, turtle, fish, bath, swim, bike/trike, TV, book, brush teeth, potty, brush hair, helicopter, plane, giraffe, baby, car, shoes, ouch, hat, playground, swing, hot, cold, boat, cry, daddy, home, ball, work

    Animal sounds:

    cow, sheep, dog, cat, monkey, duck, elephant, owl, rooster

    More next month!!


    Haley’s weight: 23.3 lbs (33%)

    Haley’s height: 33.5 in (93%)

    # of signs she knows: 52+

    # of animal sounds she knows: 9

    # of words she says: 15+

    # of pictures taken this month:  360

    # of videos taken this month:  111 (wow!)