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Posts Tagged ‘forty’

  1. Week of Life #44: November 27th to December 3rd – A Wedding!

    December 3, 2012 by brooke

    44 Weeks old

    10 Months old

    The beginning of this week we had a lot of down time. That was fine with us because we were tired from the travel of the week before! And – we had to get ready to do it all again the following weekend! On Thursday night we drove to Ft. Myers (where I’m from originally) because my cousin was getting married the next day! So, on Friday we got up and had some fun Haley in the hotel room time 🙂 and then we got ready for the big event! We were worried for Haley because the wedding was a full Catholic Mass and right during her nap time… turns out we shouldn’t have been worried at all! After the wedding ceremony was started I had Sean take Haley out to the car and give her a bottle in hopes she would go to sleep. Well, I didn’t know it, but Sean decided that he had at least an hour to kill (which frankly I thought as well) and so he drove down the road to get a tie. Just as he got the store, I texted him that the wedding was almost over and he needed to be back soon for family pictures. So, he ran in the store, got a tie, ran back out, and raced (carefully) to the church. Meanwhile I was calling him because the wedding was over and they were asking all family to come inside for pictures. Sean wasn’t back yet and there was no stalling this picture lady – she was on a mission! So the first set of pictures doesn’t have Sean or Haley in them (but I’m in them and I’m a little teary because I was upset they weren’t back yet!) and then they came racing down the aisle at the last second to be in the last picture! It’s all good though, because that day wasn’t about us anyway – it was all about my beautiful cousin and her new handsome husband! I can’t believe she’s married! I’m so very happy for them!! Married life is just the best! 🙂 We had a couple more snafus getting to the reception. I had asked one of my oldest friends and her mom to watch Haley during the reception (it was an adult only thing – which was fine with me!) but we were done at the church so early (and it was Friday) – everyone was still at work for another hour or so! So everyone else went to the reception and we waited for the sitters. It was my fault for assuming the Mass would be longer than it was, but that’s life! You live and learn. It turned out ok because Haley was able to take a short nap in the car – so that was good. Once we made it to the reception we were in party mode! And it was an awesome party! Everyone was so happy for the couple – everyone was celebrating and having a good time. We were so happy to be there to celebrate with them 🙂

    On Saturday we went to a big family party at a park and it was really fun too! Haley got to go down the slide with her daddy and she got to go on the swing for the first time – which she REALLY loved! I’m so happy to because that’s what we are getting her for Christmas 🙂 It was really nice to celebrate with the happy couple and all the family. What a great weekend!! After the party, we drove back home.

    Sunday, we got our Christmas tree and put it up, as well as our outside lights. I was all ready to put a baby fence around the tree, but so far I haven’t needed it. She hasn’t really even looked at the tree yet! Maybe when we put the lights on it…

    Today, Monday, Sean took Hogan to the vet and he had his teeth cleaned, his legs x-rayed, and his lower half manipulated in order to find out what’s been bothering him. Turns out he has a torn ACL (called something else in dog-speak, but for us humans ACL will make due). So, he can either have surgery for it (which after some research, turns out isn’t all that helpful), we can do nothing, or he can take anti-inflammatory medication (we’ve decided on this for now). We’ll see how the pills work and then go from there. It stinks that he’s in pain, but it doesn’t seem to hurt him all the time, so that’s good.

    So, that’s it. A crazy 2 weeks! And next weekend we have a birthday party and Sean’s work Christmas party to attend!!


    # of pictures taken this week:  210

    # of videos taken this week:  15