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Posts Tagged ‘play’

  1. Week of life # 11: April 10th – April 16th (Back to work…)

    April 16, 2012 by brooke

    11 Weeks old

    Once again we had a slow start to the week.  Haley is doing great.  She’s getting so big and strong and fun 🙂  She’s smiling a lot more now at us and is playing a lot with her toys (well, she bats them around and grabs them and then trys to get them in her mouth).  She’s putting her hands in her mouth all the time and she’s still drooling a lot – but no extra fussiness, so I don’t think she’s teething quite yet (yay!).  She’s eating more and more and she’s getting a little more of a schedule going.  Twice this week she slept for 9 hours straight – yay for more sleep for mommy!  Haley has been trying really hard to roll too – she’s made it to her side and then she plays like that for a little bit and then rolls back to her back.  She’s so much fun 🙂

    As for all my ‘issues’ – I’ve been pumping every 12 hours this week and that’s working out well.  In fact, Monday night I realized that I don’t really have any pain anymore.  I really think all that was from the pumping itself.  So, of course, this has made me want to try to breastfeed again…  I’m a mess!  Sooner or later I’ll get this figured out – guess it will be later!

    On Thursday we had a play date with a friend and her 5 month old little boy.  We went to Wall Springs Park in Palm Harbor.  We love this park!  The playground is nice (of course we don’t use it yet!) and there are a lot of paved trails for biking riding or strollering.  There is a lookout tower and there are several places that look out over some bodies of water.  There’s also a neat spring there too.  This time we saw a mommy duck with 6 or 7 ducklings.  It was so cute!  We had a nice stroll around the park and then sat by the spring and fed our little ones.  It was great to get out, get some exercise, and see our friends!  As I was getting into the car, I fell down in the dirt/grass… I just stumbled on the concrete and fell down!  Thank goodness I wasn’t holding Haley at the time.  I am so clumsy – I thought it would go away after I wasn’t pregnant anymore… guess not!  I’m fine, but I was embarrassed, although I don’t think anyone saw me.

    That evening my mom came into town.  I asked her to come so that she could get a little more familiar with our routine because she will be watching Haley once or twice a month while I’m at work.  Since we had a free babysitter, Sean and I decided to have our first date night with just the two of us since January 30th.  We had a couples massage and then went to eat at Carraba’s.  It was a great evening.  And Haley was pretty good for her Gammy too!  She was a little fussy during ‘her time,’ but she settled down and went to sleep and Gammy got some good cuddle time in.  On that note, Haley hasn’t been quite as fussy in the evenings lately.  She does get fussy, but she goes to sleep much quicker now.

    Friday, my mom and I went over Haley’s ‘schedule’ and what she likes and doesn’t and so on.  Later, a great family friend, Auntie Gi Gi,  came into town to meet Haley.  We went out to lunch with her, Gammy, & Auntie Dawn.  It was lots of fun!  And a great girls lunch 🙂  My mom and Gi Gi left in the afternoon and Haley and I had some good quality time together.  That was important to me because… I had my first day back at work on Saturday.  The last thing that happened Friday night was me kicking Haley’s bouncey seat on my way to bed… and in the process of doing that I broke the little toe on my right foot!  Ouch!  And it was almost 3 years to the day that I broke the toe next to that one during my bachelorette weekend on Clearwater Beach!  What a mess I am 😛

    So, Saturday I headed back to work and Sean and Haley had a father/daughter day.  I was pretty impressed with myself… I only cried a few times in the week leading up to my return and I only teared up a couple times the day of.  It was so hard to leave her, but it was a lot easier knowing she was with her daddy.  Sean was great and sent me a few pictures and kept me updated on her throughout the day.   Luckily, Saturday’s are a little shorter and there is less going on and I was working with 2 great co-workers and friends, so it wasn’t too bad.  I was so happy to get home though!  But, being all yucky and full of daycare germs I wouldn’t hold or touch our baby until I took a shower.  After a good scrub down I snuggled Haley all night!  And, she and daddy had a great day together!  They love each other so much 🙂  One of the best things was that night Haley slept for 9 hours straight.  Daddy knows how to wear her out!

    Sunday we got some things done around the house and then in the afternoon we played a little.  We got with our neighbors and went to Sunset Beach park in Tarpon Springs.  It was Haley’s first official beach trip!  This is a really great park too.  The playground is really neat – it’s shaped like a pirate ship.  There are a few pavilions for eating and a boat ramp.  The beach is pretty nice and 2 out of the 3 times we’ve been, there have been kite surfers, which was fun to watch.  Anyway, we had a nice time with our friends and Haley liked the beach 🙂  Don’t worry – we had a hat on her and she sat with Daddy under an umbrella.

    Monday, Haley and I had a nice day together 🙂  We got the laundry done and Haley helped me make lunch and dinner.  I made Tex-Mex Mac & Cheese – YUM!  If you want the recipe, let me know.  It is spicy though!  Sean is still coming home for lunch almost everyday.  It’s so great to see him and I know Haley likes to see her daddy too.  It’s also a great way to save money – a big thing right now!

    Happy 29th Anniversary to Sean’s parents!

    That’s it for this week (at least all that I can remember!).

    # of pictures taken this week: 91

    # of pictures taken on my phone this week: 26

    # of date nights: 1

    # of parks we went to this week: 2

    # of times I hurt myself this week: 2


    Movie we watched this week:

    ‘The Divide’ – not good.  I would not recommend this movie.  Not only did it not make a lot of sense, it was really strange, and the ending didn’t explain anything that you just spent 2 hours watching.  A big Yuck from me!




    Helping Mommy make dinner

    Sleeping baby - so sweet!

    serious face

    sad face

    I played so hard I fell asleep!

    Meeting Aunt Gi Gi

    Gammy, Haley, & Mommy

    So, so sweet!

    After my bath

    Snuggling with Daddy after my bath

    I'm hungry and want to eat now!

    You gonna feed me now?

    I'm not a boy! But I am super cute!

    Beach time

    Beach time with Daddy

    Park with friends

    The park wears me out!