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Posts Tagged ‘tvv’

  1. 30 Weeks

    November 20, 2011 by brooke

     30 Weeks

    A couple fun things happened this week.  We had our second and last childbirth education class.  Once again it was not all that informative.  We did learn a few things, but not at all what we had expected.  Wednesday I had my 3 hour Glucose Tolerance Test.  Fortunately I passed this time!!  Yay!  So, so happy about that. Saturday we had our infant and child CPR class.  This class was much more informative.  I didn’t really need the class since I have to keep current with all that for my job… however it never hurts to refresh.  Sean thought it was a good class too and now feels confident in his CPR abilities 🙂  Our friend also came with us, which was great and now we can feel okay leaving our little baby alone with her!  Ha- we would have anyway, but again it’s always better safe than sorry.  Sunday we had our hospital tour.  It was really good to see where we need to go when the big day/night is here and what all would be happening.  There is a nice waiting area for family and friends and there is even a big TV screen that all those waiting for you can watch your progress on- so that’s pretty cool.  The room that we move to after the baby is born is pretty tiny, but that’s okay- just means that we can’t have too many visitors at a time and maybe we can rest a little (haha!).  It’s a nice thought though. We’ve got another big week coming up… promise to write more next week!
    Our little one is now the size of a large cabbage (weighs about 3 pounds) and is about 15.5 inches long!


    30 weeks side view