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Posts Tagged ‘seven’

  1. Thirty-Seven Weeks (Officially Term!)

    January 8, 2012 by brooke

    37 weeks + 1 day

    We’re officially term today!  How exciting- somehow I never really thought we would make it this far.

    After my parents left last Sunday, Sean put together the two baby bookshelves and the bookshelf in our den.  Everything is looking so great!!  Monday we pretty much just hung out and relaxed.  It was very nice after a busy holiday season.  Wednesday I had my OB appointment.  It went well – she did my Group B Strep culture (I have to wait till next week to find out the results) and I was measuring a little small again, but nothing bad.  The OB gave me the labor speech -if my water breaks/I go into labor, I am to go to the hospital…. Crazy that we are at that point.  The OB did a quick ultrasound to make sure the position of the baby… and ‘he’s’ head down! YAY!  Next week (we go weekly now!) they will be checking to see how far dilated I am- can’t wait to find out!

    Friday night Sean had a small movie night with a couple friends and I got to go out with a couple of my girlfriends.  We had dinner and then coffee.  It was really great to hang out with the girls- not something I do very often.  And I know it will probably be a while before I get to go out with just the girls.  Thanks ladies for a great night!!!

    Saturday, Sean did yard work while I got a pedicure 🙂  He’s such a great husband.  Not knowing the sex of the baby, I got both pink & blue on my toes – that way I’m set either way!  Later that day, Sean’s work peeps gave us an awesome co-ed baby shower.  It was a lot of fun and I think Sean had a little fun too – the guys all got to watch football 🙂 We got some really great gifts and the really great part is we received the pack-n-play that we will be using beside our bed when the baby is little.  Yay!  That was the last major thing we really needed.  Sean works for, and with, some really wonderful people and their family’s are just as wonderful too.  A few of my work peeps were able to come also, which was fun 🙂  We are very lucky to have such great people in our lives.  Sunday, Sean put up two shelves in the baby’s room- the last piece of the puzzle and I actually put together our hospital bag- finally!!  I feel like we will be bringing a lot to the hospital – they are going to take one look at us and think, oh no!

    Next week I have my last day of work and Sean’s birthday is on Friday. Should be an exciting week 🙂

    Our little one is now the size of a watermelon (weighing about 6 lbs. 5 oz & about 19 in. long)!

    37 weeks + 1 day side view

    My toes 🙂