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Posts Tagged ‘forty’

  1. Week of Life #45: Decemeber 4th to December 10th – Birthday & Christmas Party!

    December 10, 2012 by brooke

    45 Weeks old

    Haley & I met my friend Dawn for lunch on Tuesday… and she had a big ring on her finger πŸ™‚ Surprise! Turns out she & her finance (!), Matt are getting married next Wednesday! After their courthouse wedding, they will be having a big ceremony and reception summer or fall next year. She is super excited and I’m so happy that she is happy πŸ™‚ I’m going to try and make it to the courthouse to witness their marriage vows!

    I worked on Friday and then that night we babysat for our neighbors. They have a (almost) 2 year old girl, L., and it was so much fun watching her and Haley play together! Of course, Haley didn’t really play with her so much as crawl over and take everything the little girl was playing with! But she was really good with Haley and much better at sharing than Haley is πŸ™‚ It was a fun night.

    The next day we went to L.’s birthday party – she turned 2! The party was at Wall Spring Park in Palm Harbor – we love this park! It was a really fun day and Haley had fun going down the slide, walking around the playground (with help from Mommy & Daddy), and watching the ducks and fish in the spring. We may just have Haley’s party at this park πŸ™‚ That evening we had Sean’s work Christmas party to attend. Sean’s aunt babysat for us and Haley and she had a great time! And Mommy & Daddy had a great time at the party!! We had yummy food, great drinks (!), and fun company! Our friends gave us a ride home – which was needed and very nice – and we promised to return the favor sometime. It was a really great evening out for us! Next year we are thinking about staying out over night & getting a hotel room πŸ™‚ We’ll see…

    Sunday I went with Dawn to get our toes done for her wedding day πŸ™‚ That evening Sean brewed beer with a friend and our neighbors and we all had a great time hanging out and playing with the kids.

    This past week Haley had started kissing! She loves to kiss Hogan, her dolls, her books, sometimes her Mommy & Daddy! She’s so sweet about it and I love it!! I gotta be careful though because she kisses anyone and anything and I don’t really want anyone else kissing her on the mouth – but she doesn’t get that yet so we have to watch her real close! We keep thinking she’s going to get her top teeth anytime now (she still only has the 2 bottom), but they just aren’t coming! I feel like she’s been teething with them for months now – I keep singing to her, β€œAll I want for Christmas is my 2 top teeth!” They’ve got to be coming soon! She’s real close to walking now. She can stand for longer and longer periods of time. I bet she could walk if we encouraged her to, but I’m not real excited to have her cruising around by herself just yet. She loves to walk holding our fingers though and that is just so cute and fun. She’s been pretty clingy recently which, frankly can be a little trying sometimes, but then I remember that there may come a time when she doesn’t want to be near me and I cherish every minute of it! She’s just the best baby ever πŸ™‚


    # of pictures taken this week:Β  84

    # of videos taken this week:Β  11