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Posts Tagged ‘forty’

  1. Week of Life #40: October 30th to November 5th – The Pediatrician & Halloween!

    November 5, 2012 by brooke

    40 Weeks old

    9 months old

    Tuesday we had our 9 month appointment (on Haley’s 9 month birthday!). It went really well. She had one shot today (Hep B) and once again did great. We got some confirmations on how much she should be drinking which was great for me to know and we asked about her rashy spots and the Dr said they are fine, to keep one doing what we’re doing (putting lotion on). We don’t go back until she’s 1!

    Wednesday, of course, was Halloween 🙂 My baby’s first Halloween! A while ago, Sean had wanted her to be Yoda and so I got that costume. Well, he was feeling like Haley would resent us later on if we dressed her as Yoda, so we got her another costume – Tinkerbell. We dressed her up in both of them, but she went Trick-or-Treating in her Tinkerbell costume (Sean was Captain Hook, Hogan was The Crocodile from ‘Hook’, and I was Peter Pan). We went with our fun neighbors, like always, and we had a blast. Haley didn’t get much candy, but that wasn’t the point. She was very good the whole time, even though it was very close to bedtime. I carried her (I didn’t want her to be scared and in her stroller) and she just looked around and took everything in the whole time – never really making a peep. We had a great time! I think next year will be fun 🙂

    Then this weekend we went up to Tallahassee for a charity brewing event, Brewfest, put on by the Sunrise Rotary Club. But first, on Saturday we had a small photo shoot with our wonderful Tallahassee photographers, The Long’s. They photographed our wedding too. They were having a special and we were able to get in on it, which made me very happy! I’ve really been wanting to get some professional pictures taken and this was great timing. I can’t wait to see the pictures 🙂 After we were done there, Haley & I went to a baby shower for a girl I used to work with. That was fun! I got to see a lot of ladies that I haven’t seen in a long time and we got to celebrate babies 🙂 I then was able to spend about an hour with my good friend Anabelle – that was wonderful because we hadn’t seen her since Easter! She’s such a wonderful person and I wish we had more time together. It was so great to see her 🙂 And Haley had fun with her too! After that, we had some time to spend with GG. Unfortunately, GG broke her wrist a few weeks ago 🙁 but she was still able to play & have fun with Haley. We all had a fun afternoon/evening together. Haley loves to spend time with her extended family!

    While Haley & I were busy with the shower and Anabelle and GG, Sean was busy passing out brew. The event was a great success and Sean got to spend time with his dad and have some beer – what could be better than all that?!

    Sunday, we had a lazy morning & then went to Uptown Cafe for lunch & to spend some time with Opa & Uncle Nic. We had some yummy food and Haley had fun seeing her grandpa and uncle 🙂 Hopefully next time she will get to spend more time with them! After all that we packed up and then started home while Haley took her afternoon nap in the car. We stopped in at my parents house to have dinner and give Haley a chance to get rid of some energy and then we piled back in the car and drove home.

    So far the time change hasn’t been too bad for us & Haley. She did get up an hour early on Sunday morning, but after that we worked hard to move her up to the new schedule – and today, Monday, she slept till her normal time. Her naps have been pretty good too. Hopefully, this will continue! Unfortunately, her night time sleeping has been a little off the last few days – I think her top teeth are coming in and they are bothering her. I hope they break through soon because this mommy is getting real tired! But, I love the night time snuggling even when I’m tired, so I’m not gonna complain. Who wouldn’t want to snuggle with Haley whenever they had a chance? I’m gonna snuggle with her while the snugglings good – because I know that she won’t want to snuggle with mommy forever and I gotta take advantage while I can. Something else she’s been doing recently is dancing! It’s so adorable. When Sean plays the guitar or she had a toy with music, she rocks back and forth and smiles. So cute!

    Well, we’ve got the big election tomorrow. We’ve already voted, so it’s time to sit back and watch the results. I don’t want to start a war on the internet or get into political trashing or back and forth, but since this is my blog and it’s all my opinion (not necessarily fact), I’m just gonna say it – I really hope Obama doesn’t win again. I’m not sure there is a right choice, but I’m fairly certain (in my humble opinion) that he isn’t it. Anyway, I do know that whoever wins, the world will go on and we’ll still have each other and the sweetest, cutest baby ever – and really, that’s all that matters!

    And – Happy Birthday, Great Nana!

    More next week…


    Haley’s weight: 19 lbs. 12 oz. (73rd %)

    Haley’s length: 28.75 in (90th %)

    # of pictures taken this week:  118

    # of videos taken this week:  12