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Posts Tagged ‘birthday’

  1. Week of Life #51: January 15th to January 21st

    January 21, 2013 by brooke

    51 Weeks old

    51 Weeks old

    So we started Hogan’s laser therapy this week. It’s going well. At the beginning we definitely could tell he wasn’t on the drugs – he was limping pretty badly again and favoring his one leg. But by the end of the week, he seemed a lot better – almost like he is still on the meds. So, that’s a good thing 🙂

    This past weekend we went to Tallahassee to celebrate Sean and Haley’s birthdays with Sean’s family and our Tally friends. Our drive up on Friday night was not good. Haley slept the first 2 hours no problem. Then, she woke up and would not stop crying… she wouldn’t eat, changing her diaper didn’t help; all she wanted was for us to hold her. Which of course we couldn’t do while driving the remaining 3 hours of our trip! I think we stopped 3 different times to try and get her to calm down. Eventually, after 3 hours of crying, she went back to sleep at 1 AM – and then we arrived at 2AM. She woke up when we got there and I fed her (she actually took a bottle that time) and went back to sleep no problem. Great, right? Nope. She woke up again at 4 and then again at 5 and then she would not go back into her pack-n-play. She would be passed out in Sean’s arms and the second he laid her down, she was awake and crying. I finally said we should try her in our bed – and she immediately went right to sleep and didn’t wake up until 8 or 8:30. That was the first time she slept with us – and boy, were we glad that she slept! We were both really tired that next day.

    Anyway, on Saturday we had a party for Sean and Haley 🙂 We got to see family and some friends that we haven’t seen in a long time. It was a really nice time. Haley had fun playing with the other kids (even though she was pretty tired herself) and we had a great time socializing. Great 1st birthday party for Haley 🙂 And a good practice run for her party in a couple weeks! Sunday we drove up to the family lake house and had a nice walk there. We left Sunday night and the drive home was SO much better than the one going up! Haley slept until we were about 5 miles from the house and even then she was just fussing a little bit. Once we got home and fed her, she went right back to sleep and slept the rest of the night. We did notice on Sunday that she is getting another top tooth and we think that was part of her trouble on Friday night.

    Monday Sean had off work and so it was a nice catch up day for us. Also, Sean got to brew some beer with a friend and Haley and I got to spend some time with his wife and kids. It was a nice end to a great weekend.


    # of pictures taken this week:  191

    # of videos taken this week:  7

    # of parties this weekend: 1

    # of teeth Haley has now: 5 (2 bottom & 3 top)


    (Both these videos are a little over a minute long, but they were so cute I had to share them in their entirety)