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Posts Tagged ‘beach’

  1. Forty Weeks (Due Today!!!)

    January 29, 2012 by brooke

    40 weeks

    Well, not much interesting happened at the beginning of this week.  I went to lunch with my hubby a few times 🙂 and did more house cleaning.  Thursday I had my 39 week Dr. appt. I was 2 cm, 70% , and still at -1 station.  I asked the Dr. to strip my membranes and she did.  This is supposed to release prostaglandins to get labor going (in theory).  I was warned by a friend that it might be pretty painful, but it wasn’t too bad.  There was a lot of pressure and I did start having contractions pretty soon after that.  That night I was having some pretty good contractions about every 10 minutes…. then I got in bed and although it took me about an hour to get to sleep, I did and by the morning the contractions were gone.  Oh-well!

    Friday my mom came down and we had a little mother/daughter day.  We got pedicures and then had lunch. After that we went to the mall to get some walking in 🙂  We had a really great day together and it was really nice to spend some time with my mom before the baby gets here.  She left around 5 and then I had about an hour before Sean’s coworkers/friends came over to have some bar-b-que and watch a movie.  Yes, that’s right, 2 days before I was due we had about 10 people over to our house for a small get-together!  It was fun and great to see everybody (possibly for the last time in a little while for me).  We watched ‘The Mechanic’ and it’s pretty good.  I liked it and it is definitely full of action 🙂  I went to sleep about 1 AM (not too smart)…

    On Saturday I woke up around 6, after only 5 hours of sleep and I just couldn’t sleep anymore.  I took a little nap later and Sean worked on his kegerator.  After that we worked on some house stuff and then met our friends out at Melting Pot for some yummy cheese and chocolate!  Yay!  It’s been a while since we’ve had Melting Pot and we really like it.  After, we came home and watched a movie.

    Today, I slept in 🙂  It was really great to finally get some sleep!  I got up and we started a movie and then went to our massages.  I had the prenatal massage lady again and she worked on my pressure points for inducing labor a little bit.  After our wonderful massages we got Publix subs and then headed down to the causeway.  We ate our sandwiches and then took a nice walk in the sand.  We took some pictures and really had a nice relaxing walk together.  After that we came home and finished our movie from this morning and then watched another one.  During the second movie around 8 PM, I started having contractions again at about 1 every 8 minutes.  After the movie was over, I clued Sean in and he started timing them on his phone app 🙂  So, as I write this it’s been 3.5 hours since they started and they are definitely getting worse and right now about 6 minutes apart.  I guess we might be heading to the hospital sometime soon.  We’ll see 🙂 and we’ll update sometime soon 🙂

    So, basically I’ve been writing this as I’ve been dealing with the contractions- so if it’s a little rambling or incoherent- that’s why!  We also took our weekly picture tonight in between contractions 🙂  More later 🙂

    Our little one is the size of a small pumpkin (around 7.5 lbs and 20 in. long)!

    40 weeks side view

    Walking on the beach