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Posts Tagged ‘8’

  1. Week of September 9th to 14th: 8 Weeks Pregnant!

    September 14, 2013 by brooke

    Well, there was nothing at all eventful that happened this week! And because it’s so long ago, I can’t really remember much! I do know (from looking at pictures) that we went to an indoor bounce house with Haley’s friend, Hayden. That was fun and I think Haley will be liking it a lot more in the future! I see many more times at the bounce house in our future 🙂

    Other than that, baby #2 is doing good. We’re 8 weeks pregnant now and into full yucky mode :/ We’re feeling really blessed to be on this journey once again, but it is definitely a rough road. I’m feeling a lot worse this time around than I did with Haley. I feel nauseous for much of the day and for another twist this time, eating doesn’t help but actually makes me feel worse. It’s been a little rough trying to play with Haley while feeling so bad, but she’s such a love that I wouldn’t change anything even if I could.


    # of pictures taken this week:  44

    # of videos taken this week:  6

    Baby is the size of a kidney bean

    Baby is about a ½ inch long