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November, 2011

  1. Twenty-Eight Weeks +1 Day

    November 7, 2011 by brooke

     28 weeks & 1 day

    This has been a busy and productive week for us.  Finally!  We started the week off with Halloween 🙂  We dressed up as a ‘shot gun wedding’ and walked around our neighborhood with our neighbors (and friends!).  It was pretty funny, if I do say so myself.  I will post a picture for you.

    Next up, on Wednesday I had my 1 hour glucose test… results came back today.  Not great 🙁  My sugar was a little elevated, so I have to go back for the 3 hour glucose tolerance test and get stuck 4 times in 3 hours!!  Not looking forward to that.  I’m really hoping that this test comes back better.  The other bloodwork that was done at the same time all came out good.  My CBC/iron counts are good and I am still CMV negative (meaning I haven’t been exposed during my pregnancy). So that is wonderful.

    Early Thursday morning our friends had their baby, so Congrats to them!  Can’t wait to see all of them.  We’re going over tonight to bring some food and hopefully I’ll get to hold the little guy 🙂

    Friday night we hung out with our neighbor and brewed some beer.  That is always fun 🙂  Even if I can’t partake in the drinking of the beer, it’s still fun to socalize with them.

    Saturday I drove up to my parents’ river house where a friend of my mom’s had a baby shower for us.  It was lots of fun and we got lots of great baby stuff.  I’ll post a couple pictures 🙂  The food was good, the games were fun, the company was great… terrific day.  I spent the night and got to have some alone time with my mom on Sunday, so that was really nice too.  That doesn’t happen too often anymore.

    Sean’s parents were in Boston for the FSU vs. Boston College game (great win!) and flew back in Sunday night.  We met up with them for dinner and it was great to see them.  Any time spent with family & friends, no matter how little, is an awesome treat for us!

    Well, we’ve got another busy week ahead… Tuesday night we start our Child Preparedness Class (a 2 night class), Dr. appointment on Wednesday, and then Saturday and Sunday we are going to try and knock out the rest of our house organizing and try and paint the baby’s room!  Whew, I’m tired just thinking about it! I’ll let you know how it goes…

    Our little one is now the size of a Chinese Cabbage in weight (around 2 pounds +/-) and about 15 inches long!

    28 weeks + 1 side view

    Shot Gun Wedding

    Noah's Ark Cake