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Posts Tagged ‘twenty’

  1. Week of Life #21: June 19th to June 25th

    June 25, 2012 by brooke

    21 Weeks old

    So, Sean’s parents and brother had a great Cali trip! Sad we couldn’t go too, but we’ll make it sometime in the future. We did cancel our cable on Tuesday and they turned that sucker off right away – didn’t even wait till the end of the day! The rest of the week was not too bad without the TV – the worst is around 5PM, when I’m really ready for Sean to be home but we still have about 1.5 hours left – just having the TV on made me feel like I wasn’t alone. But we do have many ‘Baby Einstein’ videos to watch… so there’s always that 🙂

    We had our mall walk with our friends, Hayden & Shawnna on Tuesday. Then on Thursday my mom came to town just to hang out. We met our friends at the mall again that day and the 5 of us had a nice walk. My mom, Haley and I did a little shopping 🙂 then went to lunch. Then we went to the consignment store up the street from us and bought the jogging stroller that I have been looking at! I’m so excited! It is a Jeep Overland – it has drink holders for me and Haley, lots of storage, and the thing that I’m most excited about is a plug for my MP3 player with speakers so Haley and I can listen to music as we stroll/jog! I think that will be a great motivator! I can’t wait to use it – but first we had to clean it!

    Friday we went to Walmart and then met Sean for lunch. Afterwards we came home and just hung out. It was nice to spend some time with my mom – lately when she’s been here, it’s just been to watch Haley when I’m at work, so we were in need of some mom-daughter-granddaughter time 🙂

    Saturday I had to work and Sean wanted to get a few things done around the house, so my mom stayed for a little while. Sean was able to get somethings done that he really wanted to do, so that was great that she could stay. After I got home we went to our neighbors house for a birthday party- yummy food and great company! We love our neighbors!

    I think we watched a couple of movies on Sunday, but I can’t remember what they were now! Oh well. What I do remember is that we were dealing with the Tropical Depression/Storm on Sunday. Oh man! We had to empty our pool 4 times on Sunday and once on Saturday night. We got so much rain! It was crazy. Fortunately we never lost power, so that was nice. And our house and new roof stood up to the all the rain and wind great. We are very thankful for that.

    Haley is doing awesome! She can sit up for short periods of time by herself and she is really getting into the whole playing with toys thing. It is just so much fun to watch. She still only takes 30 minute naps during the day, but she only wakes up once at night and after she is changed and fed, she is fast asleep again. She’s been sticking out the tongue like it’s her job! She is still in love with Hogan – she squeals and smiles when she sees him – he really couldn’t care less about her though! We’re still working on tummy time. She really loves to try and drink out of our cups – it’s pretty cute! I think that’s about it for now 🙂 All I can think of at least!

    More next week…


    # of pictures taken this week: 107

    # of pictures taken on my phone this week: 3

    # of videos taken this week: 4