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Posts Tagged ‘sleep’

  1. Week of life #8: March 20th – March 26th

    March 26, 2012 by brooke

    8 Weeks old!

    2 Months!

    Once again, the first part of the week was pretty typical – not too much to talk about.  Sean’s been working on his new car (the Suburan) and getting his Jeep and my Escape cleaned up to try and sell.  Haley is doing well, as always!  She didn’t get too out of sorts after her big trip last weekend, so that was really great.  She lost a lot of hair on the top of her head (but not the back!) and it looks red in the sunlight and like my color in regular light.  She’s still smiling a lot at us, but she loves the fan most of all!  We’re working on tummy time (which she HATES!) and playing by herself for short periods of time (which she also does not care for – she likes mommy to be right with her at all times!).  She has started to ‘hold’ her bottle – not really, but she puts her hands up there and it looks like she’s trying! We stopped by my workplace to say hi and got to catch up with the girls there 🙂  It was nice to see them, but I gotta say, I’m not really looking forward to going back.  At least it will only be about 1 day a week!  I am very fortunate that Sean is supportive of me staying home and that we are able to swing it too.

    For those who are interested, my tail bone is still mending but feels so much better than it did the first few weeks after Haley was born.  And I have decided to start weaning down on the pumping and probably stop in the next few weeks.  Either that, or just pump 2 or 3 times a day… I’ll have to see how it goes.  But I do have to say that pumping every 4 or 5 hours (instead of every 3) has given me so much more time during the day to get things done!  And I get to sleep more at night! Haley will sleep for about 5 or 6 hours during the first part of the night and then gets up ever 3 hours after that – so I’m getting a lot more continuous sleep 🙂

    Friday was a big day.  Sean sold his Jeep on Friday.  We were all very sad to see her go… it was a great car for the two of us and super fun to drive around in.  Sean sold her for the good of the family and so that we could afford to buy a safe mini van for me and Haley to drive around in.  He is such a wonderful daddy and husband!

    Saturday we did a little house work and then went to the Honda dealership to test drive an Odyssey.  They had a used one that we really like and it drove great.  Of course we were there a really long time – they wouldn’t let us leave!  Haley was a trouper 🙂  After going to dinner and then home to talk it over, we decided we liked the van but would think about it over night.  On Sunday we did more house/yard work and then in the afternoon we went back to the dealership to bicker about price!  Sean did good with his bargaining and we left with a brand new (used!) mini van and we left the Short Bus (the Escape) with them.  I was sad to see my car go – I’ve had it since my Senior year in college – 10.5 years, but it was time and I know the van will be a much better choice for us now as a family.  We both really like the van and it is a dream to drive and Haley likes it too.

    Tonight, I got to have a night off with my friend and go to the movies.  We saw ‘The Hunger’ games at the Cinebistro (a really cool movie theater that serves dinner and alcohol).  It was a wonderful night with my friend and nice to get out for a little while.  I did miss Sean and wished he could have come too, but there will be plenty of date nights for us in the future 🙂  I missed Haley too, but I knew she was in good hands with her daddy.  I did like the movie, but it wasn’t as good as the book (ha! Of course it wasn’t!).

    So, that was our week. More next week!


    # of pictures taken this week: 108

    # of cars sold this week: 2

    # of cars bought this week: 1 (Yay!)


    Video of Haley dancing!


    Sitting on the couch with Daddy - one of Haley's favorite spots!

    Sweet, sleepy girl with Mommy

    Look at those lips! Love them!

    Hogan protecting his 'little sister'

    4th, and final, St. Patty's outfit! Plus, I'm practicing my karate!

    "I know I'm not supposed to be in Mommy & Daddy's bed, but it's so comfy!" (PS- She does NOT sleep in our bed, ever!)

    Daddy trying to capture my blue eyes

    Looks like she's plotting something here...

    Couldn't pick just one picture, they're all so cute...

    I'm cute and I know it!

    So happy!

     Yum, pizza and beer for lunch…

    Finally got her blue eyes!Goodbye old friend, hello new ride - that's the way we roll 🙂