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Posts Tagged ‘sleep’

  1. Week of Life # 14: May 1st to May 7th

    May 7, 2012 by brooke

    14 Weeks old


    I guess it’s our norm to start the week off slow! That’s okay by me, though. Haley and I were both feeling much better by Tuesday, which was great. She was never really all that sick, but I was worried about her just the same. So, I realized this week that Haley has stopped rolling onto her side. She just plays on her back now! Lazy girl! She’s still sleeping pretty well at night, anywhere from 6-9 hours (usually more like 6 though). We’ve started using an apnea monitor when she sleeps (the Snuza). It’s a wonderful device that fits on her diaper or her pants and will vibrate to ‘rouse’ her if she doesn’t breath for 15 seconds and alarm if she stops breathing for more than 20 seconds. I’m not really sure why we didn’t use it before, like from birth till now, but it’s letting me rest a little easier. It was a gift from my mom and I’m so glad to have it!

    Thursday we met Haley’s friend, Hayden, and my friend, Shawnna, at the mall to stroller walk 🙂 It has been soo hot here in the afternoon and if you’re not in the shade, it’s just not real fun to be outside. So, we met at the mall instead of the park. We would rather be outside and Haley loves to look at trees, but it’s just too darn hot. The mall was great though. And, I’m so proud of myself… not only did I not buy one thing, I didn’t even go in any stores. Yay for my self-control! Anyway, our walk was nice and it motivated me to get out of the house, which is great for me and for Haley. And – we got to see our friends 🙂 We’re trying to make it a weekly outing, which I think will be wonderful. I’m also trying to look into some playgroups and mom’s meetup groups to get us out of the house more and to meet some more babies around Haley’s age.

    Friday our friend Lindsay came over for a few hours to visit. That was great 🙂 She’s so fun and Haley liked all the attention! Saturday we had a busy day. We started off the day by getting a quote for Sean’s car to be painted, then headed to Babies-R-Us to get a baby pool for Haley, then met a friend at Tijuana Flat’s for Cinco de Mayo lunch. After that, we went to the pool store, the pet store, and then the car store. Then I had a massage and then Sean had one… whew, I’m tired just thinking about all that! It was a fun day too. And after all that, it was only 5 o’clock! That’s about it for the interesting news this week.

    Something great did happen Friday and Sunday night – Haley slept 9-10 hours, both those nights! It was very nice 🙂 Other than that she is still getting up about once a night and then up for the day around 7 or 8 am. I really can’t complain. She’s a great baby! We love to make her smile, and what a super sweet smile she has! She’s not very ‘talkative,’ but does have spurts throughout the day where she is quite the conversationalist. That’s so much fun! We’re getting excited for Mother’s day next weekend!


    # of pictures taken this week: 26

    # of pictures taken on my phone this week: 15

    # of videos taken this week: 6




    First time tying the Moby so Haley looks out front - she liked it!

    My little Sweet Pea

    Haley loves her jumpy from my friends at work!

    Yum! I love my fingers!

    Sleeping with Daddy

    Smiley girl