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Posts Tagged ‘forty’

  1. Week of Life #43: November 20th to November 26th – Happy Thanksgiving!!

    November 26, 2012 by brooke

    43 Weeks old

    I got off schedule again with writing these… it’s getting harder and harder to find the time – I wonder why? 🙂 This week was filled with many activities.

    Tuesday Sean made an appointment to take Hogan to the vet. He has been a little gimpy the last few months and we knew he was having some knee pain (most likely arthritis is what we thought) but it had gotten a lot worse in the last week or two. At that appointment the vet said she needed to have Hogan come back and be sedated so they could really examine his leg and also get some x-rays. So we have another appointment for all that, plus a teeth cleaning on 12/3. Hopefully after that we will have some more answers. Basically, the bet thinks Hogan has torn a ligament in his knee and the best option for that would be surgery – but we’ll know more after the 3rd.

    Wednesday at bedtime we drove up to Tallahassee to see Sean’s family for Thanksgiving. The drive was uneventful – thankfully, and we arrived alive – but not in very good time. So, we ended up going to bed around 3am which was less than ideal seeing as how we have a almost 10 month old who does not sleep in! Anyway, we got what sleep we could and then we were up and onto the family Lake House to celebrate and be Thankful! We had a wonderful meal and got some good family time in – everyone was really enjoying Haley 🙂 She did have a hard time falling asleep for her nap while we were there and so Sean & I took a drive to get gas and she fell asleep in the car – that was good! We had such a nice time with everyone and we have so much to be thankful for – I couldn’t even begin to name everything here but here’s a few items on the list:


    Each other (I have Sean and he has me – that’s a wonderful thing!)

    Our sweet little Haley Laurel (our most precious gift)

    Our families (so supportive, loving, giving, caring….)

    Our friends (same as above!)

    Our jobs

    Our home


    Ok – I’m gonna stop here – there’s sooo much more, but that’s the big stuff!

    Friday, Sean got to spend some guy time with his dad brewing some beer and the girls went to the park- Haley got to go down a slide for the first time and she loved it! Saturday was the big game 🙂 Haley got to go to her first tailgate – which she really liked. She got a lot of walking in and lots of fresh air. When it was time for everyone to walk to the stadium, Haley, GG, & I went back to the house and watched the game on TV. We were all in a panic when we couldn’t find Opa anywhere, but everything turned out ok – except the game… 🙁 Oh well, there’s always next year. That night when Sean got back to the house, we packed up the car and left so Haley could sleep while we drove. Then we had all day Sunday to recover from our fun filled long weekend.


    # of pictures taken this week:  240

    # of videos taken this week:  36