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Posts Tagged ‘family’

  1. Telling Sean’s parents and 12 weeks & 1 day

    July 18, 2011 by brooke

    We're Pregnant!!

    Oh My!!

    We continued the fun on Saturday with Sean’s family.  We arrived to his parents house around 3pm and had to wait for a bit for his brother to come over – so more waiting!  I was getting so nervous:)  Just wanted to get it done with before I blew our cover!   So Nic arrived and we celebrated Father’s Day with Sean’s dad.  Then I requested a group photo.  So, once again I set the timer and number of photos for 10.   We took one nice one and then shouted our good news… the reactions from Sean’s mom, dad, brother, and cousin are priceless!  I’m so glad we chose to reveal the news this way- we have some wonderful pictures to remember this time!  We then called Sean’s grandparents and let them know the news – they were very excited as well.  And Sean’s grandfather says that he can predict the baby’s gender with a 99% accuracy- so we’ll be looking forward to his predictions.

    Sean’s uncle and cousins came over next and our plan of attack was to just wait and see if they noticed our shirts (mine said, ‘Home Brew Inside’ and Sean’s said, ‘Varsity Swim Team’ with some sperms on it).  It took a little bit but everyone eventually got it and it was fun to watch them realize it on their own.  We then told Sean’s other grandmother and she was excited for us too.  What a fun night!!  Sean’s brother and friend both claimed they ‘knew’ we were pregnant when they spotted me not drinking a couple of months ago at a party (the ‘flip-cup’ incident).  Oh-well… they were still super happy for us 🙂

    On our way home on Sunday we started calling some of our remaining family and friends and letting them know the news.  My God-Mother/Aunt’s reaction was super cute and I was so happy to learn that my good friend is about 11 weeks pregnant herself!  We had been avoiding calling or writing to each other because we both had been trying and didn’t want to have to lie to the other about our ‘condition’!   So I am really excited for them and it’s soo great that we are so close in our dates- that will be lots of fun!!! It’s too bad we don’t live in the same state – but distance doesn’t matter with friends.  Sean told his friends at work today and I guess I’ll be doing the same tomorrow.  There is one person I haven’t told yet- my best friend!  She is unreachable and I think she must still be out of the country… GET BACK SOON!!!  It feels so great to be able to share this wonderful news with everyone!

    Our little one is now the size of a lime!


    12 weeks + 5 days ultrasound


    So happy!