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Posts Tagged ‘family’

  1. 31 Weeks

    December 2, 2011 by brooke

    31 weeks & 4 days

    I am late in writing this post due to a terrible illness.  Oh, boy was I sick last week… but I am on the mend now.  The bad part is that now I have to remember what happened this week and last week. I promise to try my hardest.

    So, Wednesday we had a Dr. appointment.  Everything was great.  We met the fifth and last Dr. at our practice and we liked her very much.  We really like 3 of the Docs and the other 2 we like, they are just not as friendly and personable.  But we feel confident that any of the 5 would be just fine for us to deliver with – so that’s really great.  At this appointment I have gained 20 pounds.  The baby’s heart rate is still in the 150s.  The only possible problem is that I measured 28cm when I should be measuring about 30cm (this measurement is of my uterus – from pubic bone to top of uterus and should measure about the same number of weeks that I am).  Anyway, the Dr. said they don’t become concerned until the measurement is more than 2cm off and at the point we would need to get another ultrasound to see what’s going on in there.  So, now we have to wait 2 weeks to see if this baby is growing good.

    Thursday was Thanksgiving (of course).  It was really wonderful.  We went to my aunt, uncle, and cousin’s house about 30 minutes away.  Most of the family was able to come and we had a lot of fun and it was really great to see them all (of course we missed those that were not present though!).  It was also fun because none of my family, other than my parents, had seen me pregnant yet 🙂

    Friday my dad and Sean put together our crib and new tv console.  The crib looks great (we put the sheets and everything on it on Sunday) and the room is really coming along now!  We’re still trying to get the den in working order.  That’s what we worked on the rest of the weekend.  Except we did have massages on Sunday (and it was wonderful!).

    OK- I think that’s it for this week!  More next week…

    Our little one is now the size of 4 naval oranges (weighing about 3.3 lbs. & 16 in.)!

    31 weeks & 4 days side view


    Finished crib & wall border!!