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Posts Tagged ‘breastfeeding’

  1. 34 Weeks

    December 18, 2011 by brooke

    34 weeks + 1 day

    The big news this week is that my computer has been broken… hence no post for a while.  My super smart hubby just finished fixing me up and so, hopefully I’ll be back on track 🙂  I was sick again this past weekend – but it was pretty short lived, so that was a big blessing.  The big baby news for this week is that we had our Breastfeeding class today.  It was pretty good, not too much new information for me – but still a good refresher course.  Well, I think that’s pretty much it for this week.  Oh- I almost forgot, we went back to our old dance place on Thursday night for a dance party.  That was pretty fun!  We actually remembered a lot more than we thought we would and it was really great to dance together again.  It had been a while.  I’m still sad that we aren’t taking classes anymore, but I think we probably will again sometime in the future – and even if we don’t, at least we know that we are able to remember some stuff 🙂  Ok – so I think that’s it, really!  Pretty uneventful week… which is good since I’m still recuperating and this baby is making me pretty tired. More next week!

    Our little one is now the size of a cantaloupe (about 4.75 pounds & about 18 in. long)!

    34 weeks + 1 side view