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  1. Twenty-five weeks

    October 16, 2011 by brooke

    25 weeks

    25 weeks 🙂  Yay!  Each week feels like such an accomplishment – and it is for our little baby!  I started getting estimates this past week for our new roof.  One down and who knows how many to go!  I have another one this Thursday and just called another today.  I can’t wait till we’ve decided and the roof is on.  I hate this whole process.  I am also procrastinating on finding a pediatrician and deciding on what cord blood bank to use, not to mention trying to decide on a name!  I’m feeling a lot of pressure that all these things (and so many more) need to get done, that I just don’t do anything… that doesn’t make much sense, I know, but that seems to be how I work.  Just like in school when I would wait to the last minute to do an assignment or huge project – but it always seemed to get done.  The problem with waiting this time, is there is no precise ‘due date’.  Anyway, I know it will get done – Sean will see to it that I get my butt in gear and he’ll help me.  He’s good at that 🙂

    I had my 24 week OB appointment on Thursday.  This was the first one that Sean didn’t go to with me.  He will go with me next time since we’ll be meeting a different doctor that time.  They told me my weight gain is good (so far 11 pounds), the baby is growing good and seems to be the right size, blood pressure is good, etc.  I will be going for my glucose tolerance test in about 3 weeks and will get another CMV test as well as a CBC (to look at blood cell counts and iron levels).  I’m not having too many ‘bad’ symptoms.  I’m feeling really full at night and definitely getting every few hours to go to the bathroom.  The baby is moving around a lot.  Sean’s been able to see it too now!  And just today it was feeling like the baby was doing flips in there, so I looked down and my belly was just a moving and swaying around.  Really weird to see!!  I know it will only get more so too. Can’t wait for Sean to see that!

    Friday night we drove up to Tallahassee to see Sean’s family and for a baby shower for us on Saturday.  Saturday we picked up my rings at the jewelers and then on to the shower for me at a good family friend’s house.  I got to see some great friends and lots of family and family friends.  It was a wonderful shower – fun games, great food, and some really wonderful gifts to start us on our way.  We’re so blessed to have such wonderful and caring family and friends.  Saturday night I had the pleasure of spending some time with some special friends and then Sean’s mom and my mom- also very special people!  It was a really great end to a great day 🙂  Sunday we had breakfast with our family.  Great, great weekend!!  Here’s to week 25 🙂

    Our little one is now the size of a rutabaga or eggplant (about 1.5 pounds and around 13.5 inches long)!

    25 weeks side view