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August, 2011

  1. Fourteen weeks & 1 day

    August 2, 2011 by brooke

    14 weeks + 3 days

    We’re back from New York City!  Oh, wow… it was awesome!  But, oh man, am I tired!!  We walked everywhere and did everything there was to do (well, a lot anyway).  We got there Thursday morning and went right from there.  We went to lunch at a BBQ place called Virgils (wonderful) and then went to Times Square (and saw a naked lady being spray painted).  We walked back to hotel, had a nap and then went to a late dinner.  The next day (Friday), we started off at Fox News.   We took in the Summer Concert Series with ‘3 Doors Down’ and mom got to meet her favorite Fox News folks- she was so excited and that was super cute!!  We then took the subway to the World Trade Center site walked around for a while, went through the church across the street, then had some delicious NY pizza.  Then we went to Wall Street, saw where George Washington was sworn in as President, then we were off to the Bull.  After all that we walked over to the Staten Island Ferry and went for a ride to see the Statue of Liberty.   Then we came back and walked around Battery Park. Afterwards we took the subway back to the hotel, rested, switched hotel rooms (our friend Franklin at the front desk upgraded both our rooms!) and then went to dinner.  It was my parents 33rd anniversary and so we went to a wonderful Indian restaurant called Mughlai. It was the best Indian food any of us has ever had.  Saturday we took the Subway to China Town, Little Italy, and the Tennament district.  After all that we rested again at the hotel and then went to a nice steak dinner at Smith and Wolenski’s and then went to the Top of the Rock.  That was pretty awesome.  You can go to the top and even look over the edge without any glass in front of you (like at the Empire State Building).  Sunday we slept in, had lunch at a diner (with sandwichs for $25!!!) and then went to the theater and saw ‘Wicked.’  It was really great!  After a costume change, we went to Central Park walked around and then took a carriage ride.   The driver was really good and had lots of knowledge he passed along to us.  After, we went to dinner at San Martine (wonderful Italian restaurant). Monday (our day of departure) we got up late and went looking for the Gap (I was under the impression they had maternity clothes there).  Turns out that particular Gap didn’t have any maternity clothes (boo), but we did had fun walking around – one final time.  We had lunch at Virgils again and then headed back to the hotel to finish up packing.  Sean and I took the subway to the airport (really excellent idea by the way!) and then waited for 5.5 hours before leaving!  We got back to the house last night at 1230 AM. So… after all that I’m a little tired!  Sean picked up our pup this morning from the kennel and he sure is happy we’re home. I laid around most of today, but it’s back to work tomorrow.

    In pregnancy news, I’ve been feeling much better.   No more ‘evening’ sickness for the most part.  The one problem I have is how huge I am at night ! It looks like I’m six months pregnant – just from gas and bloating (sorry if that’s TMI) 🙂  I am up ½ a pound!  Haven’t had a tension headache in a week or two, so that’s nice.  Well, we did a lot this week and that’s all I’ve got to write for now.  We’re currently waiting for my friend to drive in – she’s moving from Texas and will be here this week going on job interviews.  We’re so excited she’s moving down here!!  Yay!  Well, until next time….

    Our little one is now the size of a lemon!