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Posts Tagged ‘ultrasound’

  1. Eleven weeks & 3 days

    July 13, 2011 by brooke

    11 weeks + 3 days

    Our exciting news this week – we got to have an ultrasound!!  My friend did it for us and it was awesome 🙂  The baby was moving all around, waving it’s arms and legs and doing backflips!  Really cool to see all that movement, even if I can’t feel it yet.  It was so great to see that he/she is doing good in there too – I have no way of knowing what’s going on, besides feeling yucky.   We are also so close to our roadtrip to tell our parents about our little one – we can’t wait!!   We leave on Friday!  I guess that’s it for this week.  Thanks to our anonymous friend for the ultrasound – we will cherish it always and so will our parents!

    Our little one is now the size of a fig!


    11 week ultrasound