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Posts Tagged ‘ultrasound’

  1. Thirteen weeks

    July 24, 2011 by brooke

    13 weeks

    I know you’re wondering… yes, I finally did reach my friend and let her in on the news and she was really happy for us.  Anyway, we had our 12 week appointment and ultrasound on Friday.  It went really well. The ultrasound showed no problems and the tech actually said she could tell the sex of the baby (but she assured us that did not necessarily mean that it was a boy- it could be either).  So that’s pretty cool.  The rest of the appointment went well too.  I’ve been having terrible tension headaches and the Dr. said if Motrin or Advil doesn’t help, they could get me a prescription.  That is good to know.  I still haven’t gained any weight… but I’m sure I will start soon – probably while we’re in NYC eating all that yummy food!!  We are leaving for New York on Thursday – we are super excited!!  I hope that my ‘evening’ sickness is at least a little better by then.   I know we’ll have an awesome time regardless – I will power through for NYC! Can’t think of anything else to say… so, that’s it for now!

    Our little one is now the size of a peach!!