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Posts Tagged ‘seven’

  1. Seven weeks & 1 day

    June 13, 2011 by brooke

    7 weeks + 1 day

    Things are going well 🙂  The big news from this past week – I have started having a few pregnancy symptoms… but nothing too terrible yet. I’ve been pretty tired (however, I was also battling a sinus infection, so that didn’t help) and I’m having a little nausea on and off.  I’ve found that if I eat pretty regularly, I can usually avoid feeling sick.  The problem starts when I am already feeling sick and then I’m also feeling hungry, but who wants to eat when they feel nauseous??  Not me!  But I know that I’ll feel so much better once I eat.  So, that’s what I’m dealing with now.   Nothing too exciting.  It is so super hard not to tell our families about our little one!!  But we’re making plans on how to break the good news and we’re so looking forward to it!  5 more weeks till we tell everyone.  We’re pretty sure a couple of our friends know about the little one, but we haven’t officially told anyone yet.  We just keep seeing them exchanging knowing looks 🙂  Anyway, I go back to the OB next week- I’m looking forward to that!

    Our little one is now the size of a blueberry!