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Posts Tagged ‘seven’

  1. Week of life #7: March 13th – March 19th

    March 19, 2012 by brooke

    7 Weeks old

    OK- so I slacked off again!  Well, I can’t really say slacked off – there’s a little something that keeps me pretty busy!  So, because it’s been so long I can’t really remember a whole lot from the last few weeks.  Don’t think too much happened during the week this week.  I do know we had a great weekend though visiting Sean’s family in Tallahassee for Haley’s Opa’s birthday (Sean’s dad).

    We drove up early Saturday morning (it seemed safer to us than driving in the dark on the back roads with woodland creatures trying to venture across the road).  The traffic was soo much better on Saturday morning than our usual Friday night!  So, that was really great.  Sean’s brother got to meet Haley for the first time when we got to Tallahassee.  That was fun 🙂  And then that afternoon, Sean’s mom hosted a small tea time for a few other family members to meet Haley as well.  She got to see her Great-Grandmother Bib (Sean’s mom’s mom), her Great-Uncle Dan and second cousins, Kendall and Bailey, and her Great-Aunt Pat (and her mom).   That was a very special meeting!  Haley is making the rounds and meeting lots of her family 🙂

    That evening we went to a friend’s house for a St. Patrick’s Day/Birthday party.  Haley got to meet a few more of our friends – so that was great.  She is in the stage that she gets fussy in the evenings for a couple hours, so she did get a little fussy, but other than that she was perfect and so cute in her St. Patty’s outfit (1 of 4!)!!  (See the pics below!)  I left early and took her home with me and she was great.  The next morning I took Haley to meet one of my good friends for breakfast.  Haley was, like always, great, and she even got a cuddle from my friend 🙂  And I got to have some friend time with someone who I don’t get to see often and whom after talking with I always feel better.  Afterwards, we met up with Sean and Grandma and then went to the family restaurant to have brunch and some family time.  It was nice to have some more family time before leaving!

    On the way home we stopped at my parents house to have linner (lunch/dinner) and pick up Sean’s Jeep.  We had a nice, albeit short, visit, and then drove the rest of the way home.  Haley was so wonderful for her first long trip!!  It definitely took us longer than it used to – having to stop and feed her and give her some time out of her car seat, but it was worth it!

    Not an overly exciting week, but the weekend made up for that!

    Happy Birthday, Opa!


    Weight (from last week!):  9lbs. 8oz.  (51st% – and up 2 pounds from birth!)

    Length (from last week):  21 ¾in.  (79th% – grew more than an inch from birth!)

    # of diapers used:  74 (!)

    # of pictures taken this week:  227 (!)

    # of pictures taken on my phone this week: 38

    # of family members met this weekend:  5 (Left to go: 7 of Sean’s family, 17 of mine)

    Here’s a video of our little one smiling!!


    St. Patty's outfit #1

    March 14th - Sitting up in my bumbo chair for the first time!

    Smiley girl (& outfit #2!)

    Haley and her Grandma

    Metting Uncle Nic

    A little conversation - "Yep, and then you'll never guess what she said..."

    Happy St. Patrick's Day!

    Meeting Great-Aunt Pat and her mom

    Meeting Great-Grandmother Bib for the first time

    Lots of family time!

    Great-Uncle Dan

    Meeting Cousin Bailey

    Cousin Kendall knows what I like!

    Meeting our family friend, Diane (& my 3rd outfit!)

    Matchmaker, matchmaker ...

    Haley's 1st visit to the family restaurant