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Posts Tagged ‘seven’

  1. Weeks of Life #36 & 37: October 2nd to October 15th

    October 15, 2012 by brooke

    36 Weeks old

    37 Weeks old

    Not much to report for these last 2 weeks. The 4th was GG’s birthday and we skyped with her & Opa for a bit on that day. It’s getting harder & harder to skype with Haley because all she wants to do is move! We ended up feeding her dinner and so she had to sit down for a little bit!! We were saying that she was having dinner and a movie 🙂 Then, we saw Gammy & Granddad last weekend for dinner. My mom had a baby shower to go to nearby and so afterwards we got to see both her & my dad for dinner. That was fun 🙂 Haley wouldn’t show off her new standing skills though – next time for sure! We also celebrated our ‘When we met’ anniversary on the 7th. When I say celebrate, I mean we had some ice cream and brownies after dinner!

    This past week we met our friends at the mall for a walk. I think we may be able to meet at the park next time, or at least soon, since it’s been a little cooler outside. I also took a fitness class with a friend. Ok- I’m gonna come out and say it, but please don’t judge me – we took a pole fitness class 😉 And let me tell you – almost a week later and I still have bruises! I also was soo sore in ALL my muscles for about 4-5 days! Those girls are not kidding around. That is some serious business and it takes a strong lady to, well, work that pole. It was fun too 🙂 I wasn’t all that good, but it was definitely a workout. Frankly, the reason we did it was because I saw a living social coupon one day and a few friends said they would try it with me. We go again on Thursday. I hope my body is ready to take the abuse by then!

    We went to a pumpkin patch on Sunday and it was lots of fun!  Haley got to pick out a mini pumpkin and she didn’t let it go the whole time – just carried it around with her 🙂  And of course we took so many pictures – many of which are below.  We picked out a big pumpkin too and then realized we didn’t have any cash to pay for it!  So, we have to go back and get one later.  That’s ok – baby brain happens!

    This past week starting Thursday, we started putting Haley in her crib when she goes to sleep. The plan was to put her in the pack-n-play after her 2am-ish feeding – mainly for my benefit, because I’m having a hard time acknowledging that she’s growing up and I don’t want to let her out of our room yet even though I’m sure she will sleep better! But she’s pretty much been sleeping most of the night in there since Thursday. Pretty much each night she has been waiting a little longer to take her bottle, so I’m hoping that soon she will go all night without it. She’s such a good baby. Also on the Haley front, she’s been started pulling up non-stop now! She’s even cruising a bit – and she has started going back and forth between furniture! She’s in heaven 🙂 One of her favorite activities is to pull up onto the couch or coffee table and then proceed to take everything off it and put it on the floor piece by piece. She loves that.

    I almost forgot.  I went on a cleaning spree this past week.  I cleaned my washing machine and the floors and the stove.  I have some pictures from the stove cleaning.  It was pretty amazing.  I need to take a picture of the whole thing cleaned – it’s beautiful!  Anyway, I’ll put the link on here that leads to how to clean those items – I want to give credit where credit is due (since I in no way came up with these cleaning techniques on my own!).

    For the stove I put the burners and the burner pans each in a separate ziplock bag and then put in a little ammonia and then let them sit over night.  The next day I rinsed them clean and they were looking great!  The stove itself I cleaned with a baking soda paste – looks great 🙂  And for the stove hood filters I boiled water in the largest pot I had, then slowly added 1/2 cup baking soda and then added in my filters.  The grease just melted off – it was actually pretty gross (but amazing at the same time!).  I’ve got pictures of the filters below, but I’ll have to add pictures of the others later.   &

    For the front loading washing machine I I put 1 cup of distilled white vinegar and 1 cup of baking soda into the drum; 1/2 cup vinegar & 1/2 cup baking soda into the dispenser and ran a hot quick wash.  Then I dried all the pieces really carefully – and viola, it looks lovely.  I do make my own detergent, which helps with the build up in the washer – meaning there isn’t much.  So, now I just wipe the washer dry after I’m done that day and it’s smelling very fresh 🙂

    I guess that’s it for now. More next week!


    # of pictures taken these weeks:  295

    # of videos taken these weeks:  9