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Posts Tagged ‘one’

  1. Twenty-one weeks

    September 18, 2011 by brooke

    21 weeks

    Well, FSU did not do so well last night – Boo!  Better luck next week.  Glad all the players ended up ok after all the injuries.  It was a rough game!  We had some friends over for dinner and to watch the game – fun times 🙂  Today’s been a lazy day with lots of TV watching.  I’m still pretty tired a lot of the time – my one lasting pregnancy symptoms that just won’t go away.  But it’s a small price to pay.

    Friday night we did some more registering – this time at Target.  It went pretty well, although there were a couple of items that just wouldn’t register on the ‘gun’.  A little annoying, but it only happened a few times.  We then went out to eat… I was having a craving for some potato skins and so we went to Smokey Bones.  We ran into a few of my friends from work in the parking lot and they were amazed at my baby bump! It is really easy to conceal in scrubs, but not so much in regular clothes anymore.  After waiting a little bit, we sat down and looked over the menu and it was then I realized that they no longer serve potato skins!!  Oh well!  We ate there anyway and so my craving has yet to be satisfied. We’ll find some somewhere 🙂  The only problem is that Sean is still on his workout kick for the cruise weight loss challenge, so encouraging him to go out to eat is sometimes a little hard.  But he’s been great at trying to keep me happy 🙂  He’s doing awesome!!  And I’m so proud of his dedication and he’s already accomplished so much in his working out – even while I watch him and eat milk and cookies!

    As far as pregnancy symptoms goes – the tiredness, obviously, sometimes a little craving here and there (but nothing major), feeling full a lot, and umm…. can’t think of anything else!  Been getting a lot of kicks in the gut!

    It is still really weird for me to think that there’s a human being growing inside me.  It’s pretty obvious now – the baby bump is really there and all that kicking is not going away – but it still is pretty unreal to me.  We are so excited and can’t wait for this amazing journey to really begin, but at times I wonder if I’m really ready for all this.  I know that I am (and we are), but sometimes I just think that this happened so fast and is happening so fast (even though we were trying for this for a little bit!).  But I know that once the baby’s here everything will be different and will be okay.  It will be tough at times, but we’ll get through it together.  And we’ll have the most amazing gift ever – we’ll be parents.

    Movies we watched this weekend:

    ‘Spider Man III’ – Entertaining and full of action (and a little love).  Pretty good; let’s say 3 stars (out of 5)

    ‘Kung Fu Panda’ -Funny!  I really liked this one 🙂  Has great actors too!  4 out of 5 stars


    Our little one is now the length of a carrot (about 10.5 inches head to heel) and about 12 ounces. I’ve gained 7 pounds now.

    21 weeks side view