The big news for this week is that we (Sean & I) have decided to get fit I still need to lose some pregnancy weight and Sean wants to get back into shape. My goal is to lose 20 pounds by the end of November… we’ll see how it goes! I’ve got a special wedding to attend at that time and I want to look good, but not as good as the bride
So far I’ve lost a couple of pounds. I’ll keep everyone updated on my progress – hopefully that will keep me inspired to keep at it!
Haley had another great week! She is just so wonderful… so happy and go with the flow – I couldn’t ask for a better temperament from her I think that means we’re in trouble for the next baby (whenever that is!). She’s now scooting backwards at times on her tummy and she can definitely turn herself around while sitting and on her tummy. She can pretty much get at whatever toy (or piece of paper or remote or cell phone…) she wants to get at! She is a very determined little girl. We got a video camera for her room recently and it’s been fun to watch her in her crib during nap time
She really fights nap time – but she needs it so bad!
We had our friends, Shawnna & Hayden over for a pool play date and that was fun They both really liked the water and Hayden especially liked splashing!
Well, that’s about it for this week. Not much going on – which is probably good!
# of pictures taken this week: 73
# of videos taken this week: 7