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  1. Thirty-Eight Weeks (& Happy Birthday to my hubby!)

    January 15, 2012 by brooke

    38 weeks + 1 day (+ a big dinner!)

    Another week down… two to go?  This past week has been most exciting 🙂  I think I will get into pregnancy stuff first though- I tend forget to write about what’s going on with me and baby!  I don’t think I ever mentioned it, but my hair started falling out in clumps a while ago – it’s a good thing I had a lot to begin with!  I think that the massive falling out stage is over though and that makes me happy.  I haven’t had any headaches for a while (also good!), my back hasn’t really been hurting me (yay!), I don’t really seem to have any swelling (although my wedding rings don’t fit well anymore and I have taken them off to avoid having to cut them off later), my feet hurt after a little while of standing, and my wrists are very sore (carpal tunnel is a common pregnancy symptom).  I’ve been afflicted with reflux a few times while sleeping at night, but I could count on two hands the number of times that’s happened.  I’ve been having braxton hicks contractions for probably 6-8 weeks now, but so far nothing that is regular or painful.  Baby is still moving a lot and really seems to like jabbing me in my upper right side (I swear I have a bruise on the inside right there!).  No stretch marks 🙂  And only a couple other minor complaints that I won’t get into on this blog since it may be TMI for some of you!  But nothing terrible or unreasonable.  So, I think that’s it… can’t think of anything else right now!  On to the past week…

    Wednesday was my last day of work (for 12 weeks at least)!  Yay!  That is such a relief… it’s not that I couldn’t do it anymore, it’s just that I was so tired at the end of the day and I really wanted some time before baby comes to rest a little (although, after you read the rest of this you’ll realize that I didn’t have too much rest this week!).  My work peeps had a nice party for me on Tuesday (mostly everyone was there that day) with pizza and cake and a present of diapers and one of those doorway jumpers!  It was so sweet of them and fun to celebrate with my co-workers and friends!  I will say it again, Sean & I work with really great people – we’re very lucky!  After work Wednesday, we played trivia with a few friends – I have to say that I didn’t have much to offer, although, I did know 1 answer!

    Thursday, my first official day off, I had to get up early for 2 Dr. appointments.  I had my OB appointment and it went great.  I am GBS neg – yay!  No antibiotics for me during labor (unless I start to run a fever or something drastic like that). The Dr. checked me and I was 1 cm and 50% – so that was good (at least I’m not starting out at zero!).  I would have been happier had I been a little further along, but something is better than nothing.  I was warned that it could be quite uncomfortable, but it wasn’t too bad.  At this appointment I have gained 28 lbs. – pretty good I think.  I measure a little small again (around 36cm – should be around 37), but that’s still within the expectable range.  And I still don’t look 9 months pregnant, but that’s okay… I’d rather be a little small looking than really big and uncomfortable.  Plus I haven’t reached the stage of ‘just get it out of me now’ yet – so that’s good!  The baby’s heartbeat is in the 140’s.  That night we went out with a few of Sean’s work friends for dinner and drinks at a local Irish pub – it was pretty good and fun… until the live entertainment started, which was horrible! Oh well!

    Friday was Sean’s birthday!  Happy Birthday to Sean!!  I met him & his work guys for lunch and then headed back home to work on the house.  Later that night we went to dinner & a movie (I got to check off ‘go to a movie’ from my list of wants before baby comes!).  We saw ‘Sherlock Holmes’ and it was great – I really enjoy those movies 🙂

    Saturday we ran errands most of the day.  We got new phones and I am officially in the 21st century now – I have a smart phone!  I was a little hesitant, just because I don’t feel like I need it and the extra money wouldn’t be worth it- but I have to say, I love it!  Then we went to Babies-R-Us and used our 10% discount and all our gift cards and got the last little things from our registry that we wanted.  When we got home we were going to ‘just do a couple things around the house’ and then relax… well, we ended up working until something like 8:30!  We were on a roll!

    Sunday Sean did yard work and I carpet cleaned and finished up with putting the pack-n-play together (it is awesome!).  Then we had massages.  I was able to see a lady that is certified in prenatal massage and she used some pressure points on me that are supposed to help bring on the contractions!  It didn’t really work (and shouldn’t really unless your body is ready to start anyway) – but she did show me where they are so that Sean can work them if we want 🙂  It can’t hurt to try!  When we got home we watched ‘Planet of the Apes’ – it was pretty good, much better than I thought it would be.

    It has been a very nice weekend with my hubby!  I’m glad we had this time alone together before baby comes because it will never be this way again… scary, but exciting too.  We’re both looking forward to holding our little baby in our arms 🙂

    Our little one is still the size of a watermelon (around 6.8 lbs. & 19.5 in. long)!

    38 weeks + 1 day side view