It’s been a while since I’ve written 🙁 I’ve got a lot of mom guilt about not keeping up with this the way I did when Haley was little. But… things are definitely different with 2! So here goes my attempt to get back to it (and hopefully one day I will be able to get back to the months that I missed and at least post some pictures).
Not much to report for this month. Haley started her 3rd session of soccer (2nd time at the Y) and she was much less into it this time around. After finishing out the session, she said she wants to try gymnastics next 🙂
We celebrated Sean’s birthday by having dinner at home with just us. Sean is participating in a Fit for Change challenge within his gym and it is somewhat limiting in where we can eat out. The diet is Paleo and it has been an adjustment for me, but I have found some very yummy recipes and we both are feeling and looking better. His parents came down later in the month and we had a combo celebration for him and Haley 🙂
We also celebrated Haley’s birthday – 4! I just can’t believe she’s 4. Sometimes she seems so much older and other times it feels like I just had her. Right now she wants to be an astronaut and a doctor and a mommy at the same time when she grows up
For Haley’s actual birthday she wanted to go to the zoo and so the 4 of us did just that. It was really fun. For Haley’s party she decided she wanted a princess theme. We surprised her with a bounce house again (which she loved) and a visit from Cinderella (which she enjoyed, but the bounce house was definitely the major attraction for her!). We had a cookie cake from Publix and Sean dressed up as Prince Charming to bring it out!
On a more serious note, my Aunt Kathy passed away on January 17th. She was the 4th and middle child of my grandparents and my dad’s sister (1 of 2). She was a very special lady who had a lot of love for her family and friends. She loved horse back riding and was in the Special Olympics in Barcelona. She will be missed but she is no longer in pain either and that is a blessing.
That’s about it for January. Lily is now 21 months old! I can’t believe it. And I’m looking at a birthday coming up soon too… 🙂