So, still pregnant 🙂  We haven’t told anyone yet… we’re both holding strong, but it is very hard! We were at a party this past weekend and people were playing my favorite drinking game – Flip Cup! I started to play (but with water) and was quickly called out! I plainly said that I didn’t want to end up as sick as last time… however, some people I’m sure did not buyt it all the way. Well, they will have t0 wait a little while longer to be confirmed in their thinking.
The past few days have been a little worrisome for me. I started some lower abdominal cramping and thought for sure something horrible was happening.  After doing lots of research, I found that cramping can be normal and so far everything else has been normal. So- no more worrying about it… well, a lot less worrying about it 🙂  Otherwise, I haven’t been having any pregnancy symptoms. I was a little extra tired a couple of days and felt a little queasy once, but other than that nothing.
We celebrated our 2 anniversary this weekend. It was so wonderful to have our little surprise to celebrate also.  We spent the weekend at my parent’s river house and went kayaking – so beautiful!
Our little one is now the size of a sesame seed.